
Tell us a little about you

Start your free trial

Get your store online. Sell. Pickup. Deliver.

Start your free trial

Get your store online. Sell. Pickup. Deliver.

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This is for your account security purposes

Nice to meet you, John Wayne
We're glad you're here!

Tell us about your store

Start your free trial

Get your store online. Sell. Pickup. Deliver.

Start your free trial

Get your store online. Sell. Pickup. Deliver.

Yes, you can make it for your
bakery store

Start your free trial

Get your store online. Sell. Pickup. Deliver.

By Nielsen research online grocery will grow up to 20% by 2023. You are right on time

Start your free trial

Get your store online. Sell. Pickup. Deliver.

Great news!
The most affordable delivery service is available for your customers!

Paperwork is done.

Let's start building your store now

Choose your store brand main color


Start your free trial

Get your store online. Sell. Pickup. Deliver.

Start your free trial

Get your store online. Sell. Pickup. Deliver.

This name has never been online.

Paperwork is done

We are creating your store... Done!

Tell us about your store

Choose the delivery methods you want to use - no hassle on your side, it’s automated

Upload your POS export (inventory) to run LocalExpress Al import module. It will automatically recognize UPC and arrange by Category Management

Format (xlsx, csv)

STORE is ready to open

The store is created and ready to open

The store is created and ready to open

One of our representatives will contact you in the next 24 hours to set up your store's grand opening.