Between 2019 and 2025, the online grocery market is expected to grow from 2 percent of all food retail sales to around 20 percent. The retailers that are moving fastest toward that goal are the big brand players—the ones who have access to resources for extensive on-boarding, POS integration solutions, and delivery options that meet the customer’s needs.

The stores with the ability to engage in this process represent just 30 percent of US grocers. The 70 percent majority includes independent and ethnic grocery stores, which meet vital needs in their community but lack the internal resources to process and deliver online orders.

At Local Express, we’re changing that paradigm.

Our goals

Our goal is to bring equality and accessibility to the online grocery market. We are modernizing the e-commerce experience for food retailers everywhere and making sure that it is available to any grocer in any specialty.

We’ve developed a robust e-commerce platform, which provides an online sales solution to retailers of every size, from the “big guys”; all the way to the mom-and-pop shop on the corner.


A small or mid-sized grocer who was previously locked out of the online market can use our intuitive Do-It-Yourself system to open an online storefront. We provide complimentary database access, inventory management, and delivery logistics so that grocers can focus on what they do best—serving their customers. And those customers get to enjoy the convenience of online shopping along with the pleasure of supporting a small business.

Meanwhile, large and multistore retailers can sign up for our exclusive Enterprise package, which comes with live integration help and dedicated account support through the entire launch process and beyond.

Subscribers enjoy inventory and sales management across all of their stores, and we provide multi-chain brand management for our white label partners.

Come join us

For big and small grocers alike, we’re made e-commerce headaches into things of the past. Our platform is easy to use, and integrates with your existing systems throughout the sales pipeline.

From order fulfillment support to performance analytics, we’ll get your online store running and help to keep it going. We believe that every grocer should have the opportunity to participate in the online shopping revolution.

Come join us on this exciting journey!



Bagrat Safarian

CEO and Co-Founder


Stan Byun

VP of Strategy


Tigran Zograbyan

COO and Co-Founder


Dennis Acebo

VP of Stores Acquisitions


Andrew Kyureghyan

Chief Application Developer


Armen Danielian

Chef Product Officer


John Weber

President, John R Weber, Inc.

Dr. Brian Harris

Chairman, The Partnering Group

Mitchell Crawford

Strategic Collaborative Marketing